Personalized training delivery methods centered on participant - in-house training
your place to grow!
Programs are based on active learning and interactivity, the courses being practical, anchored in the real situations of the client company and adapted to the age category and the profile of the participants.
If you are a general manager, human resources manager or responsible for training and development, surely you are concerned with identifying the most efficient and flexible development solutions that will increase the performance of your team in short time.
In this case, the tailored programs represent a great value alternative to the standard programs in our offer.
The tailored programs are designed step by step with you, the client-company managers. Together we establish the needs and objectives of the course and involve EXEC-EDU experts in developing a specific program, focused on the specific of the industry and the overall strategy of the company.
EXEC-EDU collaborates constantly with companies from the most varied sectors, for which we develop complex programs, using current training and results monitoring methodologies. These expose participants to intense and useful learning experiences, different from those developed in the classical training programs.
We develop courses in all areas of management, varying from thematic topics ranging from one of great complexity (strategic management, finance and accounting, forecasting, stock management), to the narrow but detailed focus on a limited set of managerial skills (negotiation, communication, time management, stress management, sales techniques).
All the types of programs we create start from measurable objectives and aim to obtain concrete results, carefully evaluated at the end of the program.
The optimal size of the group of participants is 10-15 persons from the same company, selected according to the identified training needs. The program can be held at EXEC-EDU, at your headquarters, or in a suitable place, chosen by mutual agreement.
- The managerial experience of the 30 teachers, trainers and experts who have developed over 40 types of courses for managers, supporting hundreds of hours of training and consulting;
- Complex, consistent and unitary programs, adapted to the identified training needs, with immediate practical applicability;

- Identification of program goals – needs analysis – analysis of the industry, strategy and organizational culture characteristics.
- Development of the program through continuous dialogue – needs analysis – analysis of the industry, strategy and organizational culture characteristics.
- Program delivery
- Follow-up and evaluation – appraisal of the efficiency of the course and goals achieving rate – feedback and refinement of the methods in the future programs – Evaluation of the participant’s performance evolution by follow-up.
La ce poate folosi un program de Business Awareness?
Metode statistice pentru analistii de vanzari
Leadership, de la complexitate la schimbare{:}
Tehnici avansate de negociere
Basic Lead Development
Stretch Management Program
Tehnici de facilitare
Program de dezvoltare strategică
Metode de previziune statistica
Program de contabilitate si finante
In order to measure the real benefits that a development program generates, we offer you various evaluation tools:
• Diagnostic tools for the participants, individually, by team or by organizational culture
• The classic evaluation questionnaire, which evaluates the participants’ reaction to the quality of the course and its usefulness;
• The trainer’s final report, containing his conclusions and recommendations, future directions of action
• Simulations, tests, individual or team projects, follow-up sessions
• 1-on-1 interviews or coaching sessions;
• For certain types of programs, which combine the training process with the consultancy process, the measurement of quantitative indicators, such as the evolution of sales, the fluctuation of personnel, the evolution of turnover or profit.
All these tools are relevant only in the context of a carefully monitored process of the entire program, a process that is based on a careful diagnosis of needs and a correct initial assessment of the profile and level of the team concerned.
10 000
Graduates and participants in the training programs
3 000
Client companies in tailored training programs
Over 80% of the clients come back or recommend EXEC-EDU’s solutions