The Power of Habit

369,00  (fără TVA)

Learn in a hands-on activity to master the only thing you can control: your own behavior. You will learn how habits work and how to develop effective habits using skill instead of will. As people increase their ability to reinforce good habits, they become more engaged in work and life and take greater responsibility for results.

This course is based on the Atomic Habit methodology (James Clear).

When – there is currently no session scheduled
Duration – 2 days


  • Understanding how the brain works and how habits are formed
  • Preparing a successful plan to kick a bad habit

369,00  (fără TVA)Add to cart


  1. Why do we do what we do?
    The 4-step model of habit formation
  2. The power of habits
    The 1% better rule
  3. How your habits shape your identity (and vice versa)
    Shape your habits around who you want to become.
    Habits Scorecard – Individual Exercise
  4. How to build better habits in 4 easy steps
    The four laws of behavior change: make it obvious, make it attractive, make it easy, make it satisfying.
  5. How to find and fix the causes of your bad habits
    Limiting Mindset and Beliefs
  6. How to make good habits inevitable and bad habits impossible
  7. Technology helps
    How to automate good habits
    Habit Tracker – exercise
  8. The role of your colleagues
    Find a buddy to watch your behavior


Alin Gherman, EMBA

Oana Scarlat
Individual coaching, Self-knowledge

Alin Gherman, EMBA
Sales, Marketing, People management, Presentation skills, Problem solving, Design thinking

Simona Podgoreanu
HR Expert, Leadership, Negotiation, Human Resources Director KPMG Romania & Moldova, Presentation skills, Problem solving, Design thinking

369,00  (fără TVA)Add to cart

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Your place to grow


Entrepreneur, Middle management, Specialist, Top management


Grow Victory


Alin Gherman, EMBA, Oana Scarlat, Simona Podgoreanu

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