Stress Management

40,00  (fără TVA)

“Stress is like a spice: too little makes food uninteresting, too much can choke you.” Donald Tubesing

Where – Zoom
When – there is currently no scheduled session
Duration – 1 day

Who is it for

This workshop is for you if:

  • You experience frequent states of nervousness, irritability, emotional sensitivity, anxiety, unjustified worries, fatigue, feeling of being overwhelmed by daily activities, concentration difficulties, tendency toward isolation, emotional eating etc.;
  • You suffer from headaches, insomnia, cold hands and feet, stomach pain, weight fluctuations, weakened immune system etc.;
  • You want to prevent absenteeism, decreased productivity, personnel turnover, medical expenses, legal expenses in your company.


  • We will discuss how stress impacts conscious and subconscious mind and we will see how stress affects our physical body through a wrong mental programming;
  • We will have access to practices and models to relax deeper mind and body layers (including Anapana, Pranayama, Antar Mouna, Power Nap and others originated from Yoga practice);
  • We will practice some exercises that will help us to better control the stress factors in our lives;
  • We will get concrete information on how to relax actively using anti-stress techniques through which we can increase inner relaxation capacity, thus enabling us to positively respond to life’s challenges;
  • We will learn how to relax not only physically, but also mentally and emotionally.

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Avisek Majumdar

Avisek is a certified Yoga teacher, as he graduated a program in Sivananda Ashram, Kerala, India. He is also certified in Ayurvedic massage by the International Yoga Vedanta Centre from Kerala. He followed the first aid course from St John Ambulance in New Delhi and he qualified in the Thai Foot Reflexology at the Thai Massage School of Chang Mai, Hong Kong.

This program can also be delivered in-house (personalized for a group of participants from your company). Send us your details using the contact button below.

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Do you have any questions?

Do not hesitate to call us or write to us via chat, email or by filling out the form on the contact page.



Your place to grow


Entrepreneur, Middle management, Specialist, Top management


Avisek Majumdar


Grow Balance

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