Strategy or How do we maintain the competitive advantage in times of crisis

150,00  (fără TVA)

Acest workshop concentrat, livrat de unul dintre cei mai respectați experti în strategie și antreprenoriat din România, îți va asigura cadrul conceptual necesar pentru a-ți redefini strategia și modelul de business, identificând noi oportunități și exploatându-le înaintea concurenților.

Where – Zoom
When – there is currently no scheduled session
Period – 2 sessions of 2 hours

Who is it for

This focused workshop addresses:

  • top managers;
  • department managers;
  • local or multinational companies leaders, with responsibility over the elaboration and/or implementation of the company’s strategy.


  • You will identify the sources of competitive advantage in the industry in which you operate and you will keep your focus on the company’s strengths to maintain it;
  • You will explore your leadership abilities in change management; adapting your strategy on the new market needs.
  • You will gain clarity in your actions and make the organizational changes necessary to successfully implement the strategy;
  • You will understand the use of strategic tools like: tools that analyze external environment, the value chain, the positioning matrix, the RECI model – Blue Ocean Strategy;
  • 30-minute guidance for:
    1. making an attractive promise of value;
    2. the correct use of SWOT analysis.

150,00  (fără TVA)Add to cart


1st Session

  • The characteristics of the VUCA environment and ambition towards an entrepreneurial society;
  • Competitive advantage, operational efficiency, efficient organization;
  • Strategic thinking and strategic management;
  • What is and what is not the strategy – how do we attract our customers?
  • How do we make a promise of attractive value.

2nd Session

  • What is the basis for developing a correct strategy:
  1. Environment analysis
  2. Positioning
  • How do we choose strategic actions;
  • What’s the difference between strategy and business model;
  • Blue Ocean type strategies, for times of crisis.


Dr. Lavinia Rașcă

“I have a direct, simple, practical style. I bring up things that I tested myself as a utility, manager, entrepreneur, consultant, in extremely diverse companies. The pleasure of interacting with those I work with gives me energy, dynamism and power of conviction. “

This program can also be delivered in-house (personalized for a group of participants from your company). Send us your details using the contact button below.

150,00  (fără TVA)Add to cart

Do you have any questions?

Do not hesitate to call us or write to us via chat, email or by filling out the form on the contact page.



Your place to grow


Middle management, Specialist, Top management


Dr. Lavinia Rașcă


Grow Prestige

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