Reputation Management Through Video Communication

150,00  (fără TVA)

The current crisis also has a major impact on the communication process, forcing us to quickly adapt to a new mental and work setup.

Where – Zoom
When – there is no scheduled session yet
Period – 2 sessions of 3 hours

Who is it for

This focused workshop addresses:

  • top managers;
  • department managers;
  • local or multinational companies’ leaders;
  • entrepreneurs;
  • professionals in communication, PR, sales, marketing.


The participants will discover how to:

  • take part and hold an live, secured and efficient online session;
  • emit credibility and authority;
  • have the impression and personal image management in video, live or recorded communication;
  • obtains congruence between non-verbal and para-verbal messages in communication;
  • understand and develop non-verbal language;
  • maintain their calmness under pressure;
  • have impact when they communicate any type of message;
  • develop trust in front of different types of public;
  • manage nervousness through cognitive reconfiguration techniques.

150,00  (fără TVA)Add to cart


Session 1

GETTING READY: Se-up building. Video&audio&deco tips

  • How do we set-up the “film set” depending on where we are: at the office/ remote;
  • How the camera lens “reads” us;
  • Behind the scenes: understanding the process of transmitting messages through the camera;
  • Camcorder (laptop / phone / tablet / or even TV camcorder)
  • Light and its importance;
  • Shooting frames and which ones to use;
  • Elements of decor and color;
  • Audio – the relevant element to consider.

Session 2

THE LABEL in video communication

  • The program’s agenda;
  • Clothing & makeup & accessories in video communication


Non-verbal communication – essential in creating engagement and delivering messages:

  • Body posture and attitude;
  • The look and the facial expression;
  • Gestures & arms and their magnitude.

Paraverbal communication – the most important element in video communication:

  • Voice tone and dynamics;
  • Speech and diction;

Listening and managing the Q&A session in the video session

  • How we interact with the audience;
  • How we manage the Q&A session (what we keep and what we don’t from offline sessions);

BEHIND THE SCENES: inner establishment for the live;

  • Breathing techniques for emotions management;
  • Diction and voice warming up exercises;


Antoaneta Banu

With over 20 years of experience as a TV journalist and 10 years experience in consulting and coordination in communication, Antoaneta delivers courses and workshops on creative communication, storytelling, executive presence.

This program can also be delivered in-house (personalized for a group of participants from your company). Send us your details using the contact button below.

150,00  (fără TVA)Add to cart

Do you have any questions?

Do not hesitate to call us or write to us via chat, email or by filling out the form on the contact page.



Your place to grow


Entrepreneur, Middle management, Specialist, Top management


Antoaneta Banu


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