Leading self, leading others

410,00  (fără TVA)

Leadership from the perspective of transactional analysis

With the help of transitional analysis applied in the organizational field, at the end of the two days you will have tools and concrete work models to understand the dynamics and interactions that generate a healthy climate. You will increase your ability to lead and influence and thus raise the level of performance of your team and organization.

Where myHive S-Park, Tipografilor Street 11-15, Building A, Bucharest
When – there is currently no session scheduled
Duration – 2 days

Who is it for

The program addresses:

  • business leaders
  • managers
  • HR business partners
  • management consultants


By participating in the ‘Leading self, leading others’ program, you will learn and practice, among other things:

  • Self-leadership seen from the perspective of self-awareness and quality of presence in relation to self and others
  • Identifying your own frame of reference and intention in interacting with those around you
  • Assertive communication and managing tension and conflict
  • Agility and healthy adaptation to change
  • Social intelligence and team motivation
  • Managing and balancing the group framework from the leadership role

410,00  (fără TVA)Add to cart


1st Day

  • Setting the working framework and learning principles – Contracting in transactional analysis on the 3 levels – administrative, professional, psychological
  • Co-creative leadership in transactional analysis – Accountability in relationship, interdependence vs. addiction, awareness and working in the present, in the here and now
  • Self-frame of reference and intention in leadership – Life positions and the OK-OK paradigm
  • Leadership and working with basic needs in groups and organizations – Structuring time and the three hungers
  • Conscious Relation and Conflict Management – Ego States, Transactions

Day 2

  • Organizational climate and building trust – The 3 P’s, stroking patterns and emotional climate
  • Managing the work environment in a group and team – Internal and external boundaries, Public Image, Private Image
  • Working with Emotions in Leadership – Feelings of racketeering and inconsideration
  • Constructive group dynamics vs. destructive – Passive behaviors and group processes
  • Reflections and discussions – Check-out & learning actions


Traian Bossenmayer

With over 16 years of experience in facilitating development programs and organizational consulting, Traian is a trainer and speaker at national and international conferences and has supported training programs in England, Germany, France and the Netherlands.

He is globally certified in transactional analysis in the organizational field, being the most active trainer, analyst and supervisor in Romania with this expertise.

This program can also be delivered in-house (personalized for a group of participants from your company). Send us your details using the contact button below.

410,00  (fără TVA)Add to cart

Do you have any questions?

Do not hesitate to call us or write to us via chat, email or by filling out the form on the contact page.



Your place to grow


Grow Victory


Middle management, Top management


Traian Bossenmayer

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