Leadership, Power, Authority

650,00  (fără TVA)

This program aims to approach leadership from a rarely seen angle; it is about the correct or incorrect management of authority and power. By participating in this course, leaders will evaluate their own positioning and reporting both to the direct manager and in relation to subordinates, being more aware of the authority limit of the role they hold and the extent to which authority must be delegated for the good functioning of the department/ the organization.
Where – MyHive Conference Center – Str. Typographers 11-15
When – At the moment no session is scheduled
Duration – 5 sessions of 3 hours

Who is it for

  • C-level leaders brave enough to explore both personally and in the dynamics of the teams they lead the authority-power-responsibility matrix. The program means a process of developing and acquiring a deep understanding of the personal and team internal world.
  • Self-reflective individuals interested in understanding deeper aspects of human relationships.
  • People who want to be part of a think tank where they can explore various facets of team dynamics.
  • Leaders who want to have a discussion group for topics related to the functioning of teams/organizations and in front of which they are often alone.
  • Leaders who do not expect magical solutions by understanding the complexity of organizations and want to explore the problems they face in search of new perspectives.


With a deep understanding of the concepts, both personally and in the dynamics of the teams they lead, participants will:

  • They will evaluate their own positioning and reporting both to the direct manager and in relation to subordinates, being more aware of the authority limit of the role they hold and the extent to which authority must be delegated for the good functioning of the department/organization.
  • They will rethink and adjust the authority structure in the department/organization taking into account both the authority limit of each role, but also the abilities of the team members to assume their authority in the role.
  • They will significantly improve the decision-making process in the team they lead. Leaders often complain about the inability of team members to make decisions, and most of the time the problem is not related to their ability, but rather to a faulty authority structure within the organization.
  • They will bring balance to the matrix of authority, power and responsibility by understanding the differences between healthy authority and authoritarian structures where there is abuse of power.
  • They will be able to create functional task-oriented teams by significantly reducing their tendency to engage in all kinds of unproductive and resource-consuming games.

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Session 1

  • Session exploring how each participant relates to authority and power in their current leadership role.

Sessions 2 – 5

  • Concept and process clarification sessions that will be connected to personal, life and career experience. Participants will have access to a very well-chosen bibliography, on the basis of which the debates will take place.
  • Practical sessions – in which, based on concrete situations, how to assume authority and power will be practiced.


Carmen Mardale
Carmen has 16 years of experience as an HR Manager, coach and consultant (in team effectiveness programs, change management, leadership), applying psychodynamic thinking and systemic knowledge in organizational development projects. He graduated from the Faculty of Psychology, Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy – Insight Association. He is now following the psychodynamic and systemic organizational consultancy program at the Tavistock Institute, London.

This program can also be delivered in-house (personalized for a group of participants from your company). Send us your details using the contact button below.

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Do you have any questions?

Do not hesitate to call us or write to us via chat, email or by filling out the form on the contact page.



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Carmen Mardale

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