375,00  (fără TVA)

“INoFUSION – How to make effective innovation” program aims to transform each participant into an impactful innovation leader.

Where – Zoom
When – there is currently no scheduled session
Duration – 2 days

Who is it for

This course is aimed at business people in top or middle management positions who want to find out how they can bring innovation into the DNA of their business, so that the results are sustainable in the long term.


  • Pre-training (questionnaire + dilemma to be solved during the training process)
  • In training: interactive format, theoretical concepts, case studies, games, initial dilemma solving, optional – the immersive experience
  • Training materials: brochure, personal journal;
  • Individual Q&A with the facilitator;

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  • What innovation is? How many types does it have? Innovations that changed the world;
  • Fertile soil – innovation accelerators, infertile soil – barriers;
    Profile of the innovator/leader of an innovative organization;
  • Innovation wheel: Identifying the opportunity >Generating and selecting ideas >Support and resources >Implementation and improvement >Adoption;
  • Innovation as a systemic process of the company. Innovation for the future vs. today’s results. Why? How? Who is responsible?


Maria Predoiu

She is an experienced business leader, with exceptional results locally and internationally and, equally, a woman passionate about training talent from her team or from the community.

This program can also be delivered in-house (personalized for a group of participants from your company). Send us your details using the contact button below.

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Do you have any questions?

Do not hesitate to call us or write to us via chat, email or by filling out the form on the contact page.



Your place to grow


Middle management, Top management


Maria Predoiu


Grow Victory

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