The workshop is based on the innovative Fashion Feng Shui method, developed 20 years ago by Evana Maggiore in the United States and successfully applied by the most important image consultants in the world, both in a corporate setting and in private consulting sessions.
It is modular, but for concrete and long-term results we recommend that it be completed in its entirety. The duration of each module is 2 hours
Starting from the premise that the environment influences the general state of well-being, the analogy with clothes becomes obvious: clothes influence the way we communicate, behave and feel.
Module I: Introduction to the method and voluntary analysis of the images that the participants prepared through a questionnaire prior to the workshop, which will result in a better understanding of the clothing style in correlation with the elements.
Module II: Assessing the essence / personality by identifying with general archetypes. Knowing the design elements specific to each archetype will result in their conscious application for each personality type.
Module III: Identifying the intention. In order to feel comfortable in any interaction and to communicate in order to achieve what we want, we must carry the energy of the environment in which we carry out our activity and intentions. We do this by adjusting the design elements that align with the environment and intentions, while honoring our own personality.
Module IV: Physical appearance analysis. Our clothes should be just like us, both physically and energetically. We make sure that the clothes harmonize with the color of the hair, eyes and skin and follow the figure. At the end of this module, each participant will perform a mini-audit of clothing and a basic planning of the wardrobe, based on previous analyzes, to optimize personal dressing.