Customer Experience Management

375,00  (fără TVA)

What role does the customer experience play in the performance equation? The practice shows that it is worth investing to provide the customer with a memorable experience in multiple interactions with your organization.

Where – Zoom
When – there is currently no session scheduled
Period– 2 days

This program can also be delivered in-house (personalized for a group of participants from your company). Send us the details by accessing the registration button below.

What does the company want: satisfied / delighted / loyal customers?

  • What does customer satisfaction mean and how is it measured?
  • Net Promoter Score (NPS): calculation method, advantages and limits;
  • Is exceeding customer expectations a “golden rule” in marketing?
  • Customer effort score: calculation method, advantages and limits;
  • The benefits of loyalty to the brand for the supplier company and for the customer;
  • From attitudinal loyalty to behavioral loyalty;

Customer experience

  • Customer experience in B2C and / or B2B relationships;
  • Cognitive science and customer impression management;
  • Major mistakes in customer experience management;

Designing the customer experience

  • Customer contact points: diversity and impact on customer experience;
  • Tracing the paper / diagram of the interactions between the client and the company, during the client’s “journey” through the different contact points with the organization (customer journey map);
  • Recommendations on creating a valuable customer experience;

The company’s perspective on the customer experience

  • Self-assessment questionnaire of the experience offered to the client by your own company;
  • Identifying strengths and critical issues. Establishing areas of action;

The digital dimension of the customer experience

  • Customer expectations regarding experience in the digital environment;
  • Digital channels in the management of customer interactions;
  • A “borderless” experience: the challenges of integrating offline and online channels of customer interaction;

How do you evaluate the customer experience?

  • Dimensions of customer experience: success, effort and emotion;
  • The amount of trust in the company;

What is the value of customer experience for the company?

  • How do you calculate the impact of a positive / negative customer experience, in relation to your brand / company?
  • Impact of customer experience on company performance;
  • The impact of customer loyalty on the company’s revenues;
  • Who is responsible for measuring customer experience?
  • Actions that can be taken based on the results of the customer experience measurement;

Organization for ensuring excellence in creating a valuable customer experience

  • Aligning an organization to achieve the goal of consistently providing customers with an integrated, excellent and memorable experience;
  • What key competences should the company develop?
  • Two major perspectives: customer experience and employee experience;
  • Questionnaire evaluation of the experience of employees within their own organization;
  • A new leader in the company: the director responsible for customer relations (CCO); responsibilities and goals.

Dr. Carmen Bălan

She is one of the most renowned marketing experts, as a teacher, researcher and consultant. She attended training programs at Harvard Business School, Chartered Institute of Marketing, Wirtschaftsuniversitat (Austria). Member of the prestigious American Marketing Association.

This course is dedicated to:

  • Marketing, sales and customer service managers of companies in the B2C and B2B sectors;
  • Managers and entrepreneurs interested in investing in customer experience and loyalty;
  • Other stakeholders involved in providing clients with excellent levels of experience in order to increase their competitive advantage.
  • Conduct an individual self-assessment, based on a questionnaire, of the customer experience in your own company and identify the strengths and critical aspects that require concrete actions;
  • Learn how to properly evaluate, based on the questionnaire, the experience of the employees (internal customer) within the company;
  • Find out which are the most suitable indicators for evaluating and monitoring the customer experience;
    You have the opportunity to make a direct observation, “on the field”, of the experience offered to customers by a company / brand in a certain area of activity (the module of practical activity);
  • Create a “customer journey map” map / diagram with the other participants in each team.

375,00  (fără TVA)Read more

Do you have any questions?

Don’t hesitate to call or write us, full details can be found in the Contact section.



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Entrepreneur, Middle management, Top management


Dr. Carmen Bălan


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