Anxiety and Emotions Management

192,00  (fără TVA)

In a conflict there are two sides, and perhaps when we are talking about an external conflict, it is easier for each of the sides to divide the “battlefield” so as to serve their own interests.

Where – Zoom
When – there is currently no scheduled session
Period – 4 workshops of 1,5 hours

Who is it for

The program is aimed at both managers and their teams, who need to find resources to manage stress and anxiety more easily. We work with teams of 8 people in a team coaching process.


  • We will work for 1.5 hours along 4 sessions, in which every participant will get the chance to work on a theme, either personal or professional, helping them deal with the challenges they confront.
  • During this time, participants will develop and learn by taking part in the general discussion generated by other colleagues challenges. Some feelings will normalize – “I’m not the only one who feels this”.
  • Participants will feel listened, understood, emotions will be contained and will make sense, they will no longer feel alone and will benefit from group support, especially in the terns of isolation. Group cohesion and mutual support will grow. The discussion format facilitates listening, a safe place, accepting the diversity of opinion etc.

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In order to be able to go through these moments and deal with the situations we each face, we need reason to understand, to discern, to act less impulsively, irrationally, aggressively. And we can get here starting with emotion management. But before that, let’s get in touch with them, let’s understand them, let’s make sense of them.

This is one of our competencies and we want to create opportunities to go through all of this as consciously as possible. And because this isolation can lead to alienation and loneliness, we will address these issues in team sessions.


Carmen Mardale

She has 16 years experience as an HR Manager, coach and consultant (in teams effectiveness programs, change management, leadership), applying psycho-dynamic thinking and systemic knowledge in organizational development projects.

This program can also be delivered in-house (personalized for a group of participants from your company). Send us your details using the contact button below.

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Do you have any questions?

Do not hesitate to call us or write to us via chat, email or by filling out the form on the contact page.



Your place to grow


Entrepreneur, Middle management, Top management


Carmen Mardale


Grow Balance

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