Mihai Stan, ACCA
He has over 20 years of experience in financial and management consulting, in multinational companies such as Unicredit Group, PriceWaterHouseCoopers, Rompetrol, BCR. He has been a consultant and facilitator in various projects of the World Bank in the CEE and consultant in infrastructure projects financed by PHARE non-reimbursable funds.
This program facilitates understanding of IFRS concepts and principles, how they are applied in the international market, providing the framework for developing the best professional reasoning in applying IFRS in practice.
This course is dedicated to:
- economic, financial directors, accounting specialists, auditors and financial consultants who want to learn how to apply IFRS.
Candidates must meet one of the following conditions:
- degree in Accounting;
- at least 3 years experience in accounting.
- Explain the international context of financial reporting;
- Discuss and apply the International Accounting Standards and International Financial Reporting Standards specified in practical situations;
- Prepare financial statements in accordance with the specified International Accounting Standards, International Financial Reporting Standards and with the decisions of the Technical Standards Approval Committee;
- You prepare group financial reports including subsidiaries, associates and jointly controlled entities that result from the acquisition and merger processes.
- The general framework for the preparation and presentation of the financial statements;
- International Accounting Standards (IAS);
- International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS);
- Consolidated financial statements;
- Review of financial statements;
- Mock exam and recap session (optional).
Certificate attesting the expertise in international accounting, offered by EXEC-EDU.
- 1.150 EUR (VAT not included) – 2 shares
OPTIONAL, at the end of the course you can take part in a recap session for
an extra tax of 115 Euro (VAT not included), the tax includes feedback and
checking as well.
Do you have any questions?
Don’t hesitate to call or write to us, full details can be found in the Contact section.